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Phoenix, Z



Custom Work

I would love to make a one of a kind piece for you or a loved one

I would love to make a custom piece for you!

I know how powerful individual expression is and I believe that natures crystals and minerals can help with that expression and provide interpretation. You see, similar to people, stones tell us a story; where they’re from, how old they are, what mineral deposits they are made up of & what elements helped them grow. (Human personality, ancestral DNA and behavior) I try my best to connect the stones of the earth with the people of today.

A reminder that we are not separate from the earth.

We are indeed coregulating together.

If there is a stone that you have been wanting to wear as a jewelry piece but haven’t found.

I have several gemstones for you to choose from & if my collection doesn’t have what you are looking for I can do my best to find the gem you are seeking.

I’ve had a few custom pieces made by Amber. They have all turned out beautifully. She’s so helpful with the design and even showing the process she goes through to put them together. Which is so fun! I am always on the look out for new gems I can send her way because I know she’ll turn them into something special
— Elizabeth Hurst

Cost of piece is determined by the stone chosen, precious metal used, materials needed, intricacy of the design + time it takes me to design & fabricate.

Don't know your size?

Ring & Bracelet Sizers Available

Bracelet Sizer
Ring Sizer